Abstract: Vocabulary is one of language components that is very important in language teaching process in teaching learning vocabulary.Using Inside Outside Circle (IOC) Strategy To Improve Students Vocabularies Of The First Senior High School Students Of IMMIM Putra Makassar. The research questions of this research “Does Use Inside Outside Circle (IOC)strategy can improve students vocabulary at the first grade students of SMA IMMIM Putra Makassar?, the aims of this research was to find out whether or not the use of Inside Outside Circle (IOC) Strategy can improve the vocabulary mastery at the first grade students of SMA IMMIM Putra Makassar.
The research method applied was pre-experimental method. That involved one group was given pretest and posttest design. There were two variables in this research; namely dependent variable and independent variable. Dependent variable was the students’ vocabulary mastery, while independent variable was teaching vocabulary through Inside Outside Circle. The instrument of this research was vocabulary test that consisted of pretest and posttest. The kinds of vocabulary tests were, multiple choice, matching pictures, and filling the blank. The pretest aimed to know prior knowledge of the students. The posttest intended to know the students’ vocabulary mastery after giving treatment through Inside Outside Circles (IOC). And the procedure of collecting data were pre test, treatmen, and post test.The resutl of students vocabulary improvement between pre-test and post test. pre-test was 1380 and the mean score of pre-test was 46, while the total score of post-test was 2395 and the mean score of post-test was 80. Referring to the data shown, it can be inferred that both the total score and the mean score of students’ pre-test were lower than the total score and the mean score of students’ post-test.
Keywords: Inside Outside Circle (IOC) Strategyt, Vocabulary mastery.
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